Amazon Dominates Search Marketing

A new report has just hit the streets which confirms that 2014 was a great year for US e-retailers. It was not only a record year, but the fifth year in succession that web sales growth has been around 15%. And the figures are huge. In 2014, US citizens spent a staggering $300bn online.

But, what has surprised many, is that Amazon, not Google, commands the search marketing arena. It’s the ecommerce giant that manages to catch some 30% of that total revenue. More…

Search Marketing Leans on Content

Content marketing is the latest hot phrase when it comes to search marketing, but it does play a crucial role within the overall digital marketing mix and one which is increasingly important. More…

Google Investors Nervous

Google’s investors are concerned that the search marketing giant is having difficulty maintaining its advertising prices. This was despite the US Group announcing a three per cent rise in first-quarter profits. More…

Search Marketing Team Welcomes Cable (not Vince)

This might not be strictly search marketing news, but the clickmate office was alive with excitement this week over the news that there is now a new USB cable – one that you won’t have to turn around trying to get it the right way up for the port.

Think how many hours are lost trying to get the USB cable the right way up. More…

Facebook Liked By Search Marketing Experts

Facebook has taken a credibility battering recently, as various digital and search marketing experts question its place in the toolbox of effective strategies. But the clickmate team has just read an article which says that although the world’s largest social platform may not be able to guarantee reach, it still does offer the best return for search marketing dollars. More…

Localise the Search Marketing

Savvy search marketing teams know that if you localise the search strategy, then it can pay dividends. And it can prove a big advantage for all manner of companies, especially those with different shop locations, outlets and partners. More…

Stop Guest Blogging!

Search marketing experts were rocked this week when Google guru Matt Cutts came out with the announcement that guest blogging, as part of a SEO strategy, should be stopped. More…